
  • 21 Apr 2017 12:08 PM | Anonymous

    CityLAB V Summer school - The smart city. An interdisciplinary approach

    Five day summer school on interdisciplinary approaches to the smart city organized by the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute. 

    This summer school on ‘The Smart City’ aims to address the smart city from an interdisciplinary perspective. We assess how the introduction of ICT-technologies and data infrastructures transform contemporary cities and put the smart city in historical perspective. We analyse dynamics of in- and exclusion and the role of citizens in smart cities and look at the political economy of the smart city. The summer school also includes field trips to bottom-up smart city initiatives and the Antwerp City of Things project and provides room for participants to present and discuss their ongoing smart city projects.  The summer school combines lectures by a range of distinguished external speakers and local staff from the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute with field trips and discussion sessions.

    Guest speakers include Guy Baeten (Lund University), Christine Boyer (Princeton University), Ilse Mariën (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), MIT Senseable Lab (MIT), Tsjalling Swierstra (Maastricht University), Paolo Cardullo(Maynooth University), Steven Latré (University of Antwerp, City of Things) and Wouter Van Dooren (University of Antwerp).

    For full program, see:


    When and where

    4 - 8 September 2017

    Stadscampus, University of Antwerp, Belgium


    Postgraduates, PhD students and professionals in urban studies or related fields (including urban planning and design, urban history, architecture, urban geography, urban economics, urban sociology, urban cultural studies). 

    Registration fee

    €300. University of Antwerp students are entitled to a refund of €150.

    Application details

    Online before 5 June 2017


    3 ECTS credits are awared upon successful completion of the programme.

    More information

  • 09 Feb 2017 11:13 AM | Anonymous

    The State Historical Society of Iowa (SHSI) announces a grant pro­gram for the 2017/2018 academic year. SHSI will award up to ten stipends of $1,000 each to support original research and interpre­tive writing re­lated to the history of Iowa or Iowa and the Midwest. Preference will be given to applicants proposing to pursue previ­ously ne­glected topics or new approaches to or inter­pretations of pre­viously treated topics. SHSI invites appli­cants from a variety of backgrounds, including aca­demic and public historians, graduate students, and indepen­dent re­searchers and writers. Applications will be judged on the basis of their potential for producing work appropriate for publi­cation in The Annals of Iowa. Grant recipients will be expected to produce an annotated manuscript targeted for The Annals of Iowa, SHSI’s schol­arly journal. 

    Applications for the 2017/2018 awards must be postmarked by April 15, 2017.Download application guidelines from our web site ( or request guidelines or further informa­tion from:


    Research Grants

    State Historical Society of Iowa

    402 Iowa Avenue

    Iowa City  IA  52240-1806


    Phone: 319-335-3931


  • 30 Jan 2017 1:45 PM | Anonymous

    The Race/Ethnicity network for the Social Science History Association (SSHA) invites scholars to submit papers for the 42nd annual meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on November 2-5, 2017. The conference theme is “Changing Social Connections in Time and Space.”

    The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 3rd, 2017, and the submission portal is now open at Please note, all SSHA requires to submit at this point is an abstract. You can find more information at:, including the general Call for Papers.

    Our main goal is to structure sessions so that they explicitly draw on an interdisciplinary group of scholars who hail from different institutions. We are also trying to put together a number of sessions that were discussed at the network planning meeting, including:

    -“Scholars Ignored:” Patterns of Exclusion in Academia

    -Social Movements and Politics

    -History and Memories of Rights Battles

    -Pedagogy, preservation/continuity of struggle

    -Defining an Intersectional Politics

    -Sexuality, Solidarities, and Networks of Activism

    Race and Politics: Panels addressing the contemporary political situation

    -The Far Right Movements

    -The Far Right and Racialization

    -Resistance to Far Right Movements

    -White Nationalism, the construction of Whiteness



    -Criminalization as Racialization

    -Spatialization of Racialization (e.g., ghettos and internment camps)

    -Intersections of Race and Religion

    -First Nations: Histories, Activism

    You are welcome to submit papers regarding any of these topics, or on a topic relating to your own research.  If you would be interested in putting together an entire session, let us know and we would be happy to provide you with details as to how to do this.

    Feel free to forward this call widely, particularly to graduate students. There is funding available for graduate students to travel to the conference; the new application process for this funding can be found at

    Finally, please feel free to check our Facebook page, which you can find by searching for "Race/Ethnicity Network - Social Science History Association” or by following the link:

  • 10 Jan 2017 9:34 PM | Timothy Neary


    Click here to  for the full CFP:


    Society for American City & Regional Planning History
    Westin Cleveland Downtown
    Cleveland, Ohio
    October 26-29, 2017

    We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 17th National Conference on Planning History. In order to submit a proposal, please complete the online submission form included below.

    Call for Papers

    SACRPH cordially invites scholars and practitioners to present papers and talks on all aspects of urban, regional, and community planning history and their relationship to urban and metropolitan studies. Particularly welcome are papers, talks, roundtables, and sessions addressing the theme of Theory and Practice in Planning History. What is the relationship between the ideas shaping metropolitan development and the history of the built environment?

    SACRPH is an interdisciplinary organization dedicated to promoting humanistic scholarship on the planning of metropolitan regions. SACRPH members include historians, practicing planners, geographers, environmentalists, architects, landscape designers, public policy makers, preservationists, community organizers, students, and scholars from across the world. SACRPH publishes a quarterly journal, The Journal of Planning History, hosts a biennial conference, and sponsors awards for research and publication in the field of planning history.

    The Program Committee welcomes proposals for complete sessions (of three or four papers) and for individual papers. We also encourage submissions that propose innovative formats and that engage questions of teaching and learning, digital information, and publishing. Proposals must be submitted by February 25, 2017 via the online submission form included below.

    Each proposal must include the following:

    • For individual paper submissions: a 100-word abstract
    • For individual paper submissions: a one-page CV, including address, phone, and e-mail (PDF or Word)
    • For panel submissions: a single document (PDF or Word) including cover page (indicating lead contact, with telephone and email, and the names—if available—of the session Chair and Commentator); a one-paragraph overview of the session’s themes and significance, plus a description of the format (panel, roundtable, workshop); a 100-word abstract for each proposed paper; and a one-page CV for each participant, including address, phone, and e-mail
    • For all submissions: four key words identifying the thematic emphases of the topic

    Please format required attachments with a standard 12-point font and 1.25-inch side margins. Do not include illustrations.

    Inquiries may be directed to Program Committee co-chairs: Julian Chambliss, Professor of History, Rollins College, Florida; or David Freund, Associate Professor of History, University of Maryland, College Park.

  • 22 Sep 2016 3:06 PM | Timothy Neary

    Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor in History of Architecture and Urban Planning at TU Delft

    The Chair of History of Architecture and Urban Planning in the Department of Architecture is offering a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor. The Chair of History of Architecture and Urban Planning works closely with other departments within the faculty and holds a key position in the interdisciplinary Design and History research programme. The committee is particularly interested in an Assistant Professor who will complement and built upon the expertise of the current members of the chair, notably in Dutch and European architectural and urban history, while also participating in collective research activities. The new faculty member will be able to take on a leading role in the development of a research project. The Assistant Professor will work across international borders and acknowledge the importance of networks and flows of architecture and their impact on built and urban form. The quality of research will be competitive on the level of European research programmes. The Assistant Professor will teach classes in the fundamental courses in the Bachelor programme (in Dutch or English) on the long-term development of architectural and urban form (Grondslagen/Foundations I, II, III) and give focused lectures on specialised topics (in English) in the Master and PhD programmes according to his/her individual research interests. He/she will also supervise Master and PhD students. Rank and salary are commensurate with qualifications and professional experience.

    For more information please check:…/w…/jobs/faculty/ud-os-ssc-csa/q/%2A/
    For further questions please contact

  • 16 Jul 2016 1:01 PM | Timothy Neary
    MAY 5-6, 2017


  • 27 Apr 2016 3:01 PM | Anonymous

    7th Urban Space and Social Life: Theory and Practice Conference

    Deadline extended to April 30, 2016

    Visit the conference website about the new developments, and submission details at:

    Date: June 15-17, 2016

    Location: Sanya University, Sanya, Hainan, China

    Please submit the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, title with an abstract or a panel proposal ab-stract with its papers’ abstracts to by April 30, 2016. All abstracts and proposals should be within 200 words.

    A short 2,000 word paper should be submitted to before May 31, 2016, should the authors want their proceedings published by 4C5M Studio. Please direct any question to or to Prof. Ho Hon Leung at (Some sessions will provide simultaneous translation in English and Chinese).

  • 26 Jan 2016 2:27 PM | Anonymous

    Call for Proposals

    Cambridge University Press is pleased to announce the formation of a new book series entitled Cambridge Studies in Stratification Economics: Economics and Social Identity, with Series Editor William A. (Sandy) Darity Jr., Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies and Economics, and Director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, Duke University. We encourage book proposals that emphasize structural sources of group-based inequality rather than cultural or genetic factors, and utilize the underlying economic principles of self-interested behavior and substantive rationality. The series will be interdisciplinary, drawing authors from various disciplines such as economics, sociology, and social psychology focused on topics dealing with group-based inequality, identity, and economics. Please contact Karen Maloney, Senior Editor at Cambridge University Press at for more information and proposal guidelines.

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