
  • 05 Apr 2018 6:54 PM | Anonymous

    April 2, 2018

    Dear Richard Harris,

    As the OAH prepares to gather in Sacramento, California, for our Annual Meeting, we want to use our presence in a constructive way in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of an unarmed man, Stephon Clark, by local police officers. We are working on several initiatives:

    • Encouraging OAH members to donate to a fund for Stephon Clark’s family, especially his young sons, which former Sacramento King Matt Barnes is establishing for Clark's children's education. (Please note, there is not yet a link for this fund. We will post an update once it is available. Members and attendees may also wish to donate to the Build. Black. Initiative, which is spearheaded by a coalition group of activists, non-profits, legal support teams, youth advocates, faith leaders, police accountability and policy experts, and Sacramento community leaders in the fight for equity. Resting on four foundational pillars, the Build. Black. Coalition is working in key areas: 1) Uplifting Black Youth Voices 2) Health Equity and Access 3) Justice and Policing in Black Communities and 4) Investment in Black Neighborhoods and Businesses.)

    • Discussion in the Thursday opening plenary, on California and the nation, and in the Friday plenary on Confederate monuments, of the issues raised by the shooting.

    • Facilitating contributions from our colleagues in publishing of recent works on guns, policing, and racial violence for local libraries. (The 2018 Book Bridge partner is the California State University Sacramento library and they've partnered with Sacramento Public Library, which is hosting an event on June 3, "Let's Talk about...Guns." Donations from attendees of books on those topics are also welcomed.)

    We welcome other suggestions you may have.

    Edward L. Ayers

    OAH President

    Katherine M. Finley

    Executive Director

  • 06 Jan 2018 11:36 AM | Anonymous

    LA History & Metro Studies Group

     “Immigrants and the Metropolis”

    2018 Schedule

    January 23, 2018 – pre-circulated paper (Autry National Center)

    “Place-makers and Place-making: The Story of a Los Angeles Community.”          

    Natalia Molina, Professor of History, UC San Diego

    ** Tuesday 7:00 p.m., Autry National Center - Joint session with Works in Progress, Autry.

    February 16, 2018 – pre-circulated paper (Seaver 1-2)

     “Beautiful Junk: Assemblage, Black Rebellion, and the Watts Towers in the 1960s.”

    Emma Silverman, Ph.D. Candidate, Art History, University of California, Berkeley

    March 16, 2018 -- pre-circulated paper (Seaver 1-2)

    “Constructing ‘Country Living’ in the Suburbs: How Homebuilders and Boosters Branded Los Angeles' East San Gabriel Valley, 1970-2000.”

    James Zarsadiaz, Assistant Professor of History and Director of the Yuchengco Philippine Studies Program, University of San Francisco


    April 20, 2018Clark Davis Memorial Lecture (Seaver 1-2)

    “Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America.”

    Steven J. Ross, Professor of History, University of Southern California


    *          *          *


    All sessions will begin at 10:30 am in the Seaver Classrooms in the Munger Research Center, Huntington Library, unless otherwise noted.  Please check e-announcements for exact location of sessions.  Parking is free.  Workshops will begin at 10:30, and lunch will be served at noon for attendees who RSVP before the posted deadline.

                For seminars with a pre-circulated paper, the paper will be made available approximately 2 weeks prior to the seminar (we are unable to distribute papers earlier than this).  At that time, you can access the paper via a link posted on the ICW website at The link will also be circulated in the email announcement for each session.  We request that participants read the papers if attending. 

                If you would like to receive announcements for these sessions, please fill out the form at


                For more information, email the co-coordinators—Ian Baldwin, Kathy Feeley, Caitlin Parker, Andrea Thabet, and Becky Nicolaides—at

    The LA History & Metro Studies Group is generously sponsored by

    the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West (ICW)

    ** Like us on Facebook: **

  • 21 Jul 2017 8:43 AM | Anonymous

    Chicago Urban History Seminar: 2017-2018

     Chicago History Museum

    1601 N. Clark Street

    Chicago, IL 60614, or 312-799-2012

    Reception @ 5:45 pm, dinner @ 6:15 pm, and program @ 7:00 pm

    Reservations are $25: purchase by phone 312-642-4600 or


    Advance reservations for dinner are essential

    September 7, 2017

    Mike Amezcua

    University of Notre Dame

    Amigos for Daley: Richard J. Daley, Mexican American and the Making of the Conservative Colonia

    October 12, 2017

    Morris Vogel

    Tenement Museum NYC

    The Tenement Museum: Why, What, When, and How?

    November 9, 2017

    Andrew Diamond

    Université Paris-Sorbonne

    Making Neoliberal Chicago

    January 18, 2018

    Don Hayner

    Chicago Sun-Times Emeritus

    Jesse Binga: The Untold Story of Chicago’s First Black Banker

    February 15, 2018

    Cristina Groeger

    Lake Forest College

    Urban Schools, Ethnicity, and the Mobility Ladder

    March 15, 2018

    Ann Durkin Keating

    North Central College

    What if Early Chicago Was Not “Preeminently a Man’s City”?

    April 19, 2018

    Richard Anderson

    Princeton University

    Richard J. Daley as Urban Reformer

    May 10, 2018

    Timothy Mennel

    University of Chicago Press

    Publishing Urban History

    Michael H. Ebner        

    Lake Forest College

    Ann Durkin Keating 

    North Central College

    Russell Lewis         

     Chicago History Museum

     D. Bradford Hunt  

     Newberry Library

    CALL FOR PROPOSALS:  2018-2019

    We encourage expressions of interest – from historians early in their careers as well as more senior scholars – who might wish to make a presentation during 2018-2019.  We prefer that our speakers discuss their work-in-progress rather than a book or article already in print. Please contact:

  • 21 Jun 2017 9:55 AM | Anonymous

    Urban History Dissertation Seminar

    Sponsors: The Karla Scherer Center for the Study of American Culture at the University of Chicago.

    2017-2018 Academic Year 


    Submission Deadline: August 15, 2017

    The Urban History Dissertation Seminar is a workshop held at the Newberry Library on select Saturdays for graduate students writing on urban history topics. The seminar provides a comfortable, low-pressure setting for presentation to peers of works-in-progress from dissertations (most often chapter drafts). Graduate students from all universities are welcome. Our goal is to provide a supportive space to offer ideas and comments that help our participants complete dissertations that touch on any topic of interest in our field. Our partic- ipants typically submit dissertation or book chapters, as well as academic articles, at varying stages of completion–working drafts are wholeheartedly welcome!

    Members should be committed to attending as many of the meetings as possible. To maximize time for discussion, papers are circulated electronically in advance. The group meets on six select Saturdays during the academic year, 2:00pm–4:00pm, at the Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. Please note that submissions must be from PhD students in candidacy, though we welcome all doctoral students to attend our workshop.

    Submissions will be reviewed and accepted, and dates assigned, on a first-come, first-served basis. After August 15, submissions will be considered on a space-available basis. Proposals should include an abstract, preferred presentation date, and a dissertation outline explaining how the paper fits into the larger project.

    Please submit proposal materials by visiting and using our webform.

    For further information, visit our website or contact

    .Urban History_CFP_flyer(2).pdf

  • 30 May 2017 2:30 PM | Anonymous

    Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (MARAC) Arline Custer Memorial Award: Call for Entries

    Deadline: July 31, 2017

    Presented by the MARAC Arline Custer Memorial Award Committee, this award honors the memory of Arline Custer (1909-1975), MARAC member and editor of the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections.


    The Custer Award recognizes the best books and articles written or compiled by individuals and institutions in the MARAC region: the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.

    Works under consideration include, but are not limited to, monographs, popular narratives, reference works, and exhibition catalogs using archival sources.  The committee accepts electronic copies of articles and books but requests print copies for consistency and ease of distribution and review.

    Individuals or institutions may submit up to two works published between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.


    Works must be relevant to the general public as well as the archival community.  They should be original and well-researched.  In addition, they should be clearly presented, well-written, and organized.  Visual materials, if present, should be appropriate to the text.

    Preference will be given to works by archivists.


    Up to two awards may be given, with a maximum value of $200.00 for books and $100.00 for articles.  The 2017 awards will be announced at the Fall 2017 MARAC meeting in Buffalo, New York.

     How to submit an entry

    Please send two copies of each submission with a letter of nomination to the Senior Co-Chair of the Arline Custer Memorial Award Committee:

    Elizabeth Surles
    Institute of Jazz Studies, Dana Library
    Rutgers University—Newark
    185 University Ave.
    Newark, NJ 07102


    Entries must be postmarked (and preferably received) by July 31, 2017.

    For additional information and list of previous award winners, please see:

  • 16 May 2017 10:12 AM | Anonymous

    The Society for American City & Regional Planning History (SACRPH), an interdisciplinary society of scholars and planning practitioners, announces its biennial awards competition. The awards will be presented at SACRPH’s 17th National Conference on Planning History, to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 26-29, 2017. For more information, see

    Deadline to apply for Publication Prizes and Teaching Award: August 1, 2017

    Deadline to apply for Conference Paper Prize and Student Travel Awards, August 15, 2017


    (For work published between August 2015 and July 2017)

    Lewis Mumford Prize ($250)

    Best book on American city and regional planning history. Please send or direct your publisher to send three copies to the following addresses:

                Robert Fishman, Chair

                Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

                2000 Bonisteel Blvd.

                Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2069

                Brent D. Ryan

                Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT

                Room 10-485, 77 Massachusetts Avenue

                Cambridge MA 02139.

                Lily Geismer

                5180 High Crest Avenue

                Los Angeles, CA. 90041

    Catherine Bauer Wurster Prize ($250)

    Best scholarly article on American city and regional planning history in any journal. Please send a PDF of your published article to Matthew Lasner:

                Matthew Lasner, Chair

                Hunter College, CUNY

                Anthony Raynsford

                San Jose State University

                Aaron Shkuda

                Princeton University

    John Reps Prize ($250)

    Best master’s thesis and best doctoral dissertation in American city and regional planning history. Please submit one copy of your manuscript to each of the addresses below:

                Greg Hise, Chair

                972 S. Orange Grove Blvd., Unit D

                Pasadena, CA 91105

                David Sloane

                Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall 313

                Los Angeles, CA 90089-0626

                June Williamson

                39 Claremont Ave #103

                New York, NY 10027

    Journal of Planning History Prize ($100)

    Best article published in the Journal of Planning History. Authors do not need to submit copies. All articles published between August 2015 and May 2017 (inclusive) will be considered.

                Eric Sandweiss, Chair

                Indiana University

                Elizabeth Macdonald

                University of California Berkeley

                Renia Ehrenfreucht

                University of New Mexico


    (for papers accepted for presentation at the 17th National Conference on Planning History, Cleveland, Ohio, October 26-29, 2017)

    Student Paper Prize ($100)

    Best conference paper submitted by a full-time student. For consideration, students should send their paper as a PDF to Kristin Larsen:

                Kristin Larsen, Chair

                University of Florida

                Mariana Mogilevich

                Oculus, NYAIA

                Brian Goldstein

                Swarthmore College


    Lawrence Gerckens Prize ($250)

    Awarded to a scholar-teacher who has demonstrated sustained teaching excellence and educational leadership in the field of planning history. Teaching excellence refers to the nominees influence in the classroom. Educational leadership involves, among other things, curriculum development, colleague and student mentoring, and pedagogical publishing.

    Letters of nomination should be sent electronically to Domenic Vitiello:


                Domenic Vitiello, Chair

                University of Pennsylvania

                Mary Ryan

                Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University

                Lawrence Vale

                Massachusetts Institute of Technology

                Richard Longstreth

                George Washington University

    4. Student Travel Awards (up to $250 each)

    The Robert S. Birch Endowment supports the activities of students within SACRPH and helps fund travel to the conference for students whose proposals have been accepted by the program committee. Individual grants will not exceed $250. Students presenting papers should send an electronic copy to Sara Stevens:

                Sara Stevens, Chair

                University of British Columbia

                David Smiley

                Columbia University

                Jennifer Hock

                Maryland Institute College of Art

  • 15 May 2017 5:24 PM | Anonymous

    Greetings from the Global Urban History Project!

    The Project's Organizing Team warmly invites you to join this new initiative as a member.

    As you may have already heard, the Global Urban History Project represents the merging of several networks of scholars interested in exploring the intersection of urban and global history. We are sending this email to you in recognition of your work in one of those networks and in the hope that you’ll join a new phase of their work in this exciting, challenging, and expanding hybrid field.

    The first goal of the Project is to introduce scholars working in the field to each other, since we are so dispersed geographically and we span so many primary associational homes. To become a member of the Project visit the new GUHP website at and follow the prompts to Join GUHP. You will be directed to a simple six-step process to post a profile. Through this profile you can inform other members of GUHP about the approach you take to the field. You can also let us know about your published work as well as any work in progress you’d like to share. From this, we hope to create a dynamic biographical and bibliographical resource for everyone involved in the Project.

    Once you are done with your profile, go to “Edit Your Profile” to upload a picture of yourself so we can give the site a “global city square” feel.

    Membership will entitle you to learn about other GUHP members through their on-line profiles, as well as various ways to promote your work, or seek advice and mentorship. We will also post and publicize events in the field, and look to members for guidance on how to expand the activities of the project, including organizing our own workshops and professional meetings. For 2017-18, membership in GUHP is free of charge, though you are very welcome to make a donation to help offset our start-up costs.

    In addition, we urge you to follow the Global Urban History blog. A foundational element of the Project, the GUH blog provides periodic posts, reviews, and conversations on the subjects in the field. Please also consider writing a 1000-to-1500-word post about your work for the blog in the near future.

    Finally, do not hesitate to pass this email on to other members of your own networks. We are especially interested in reaching out to scholars working on Global-South urban histories as well as on pre-1850 periods. Scholars at all stages of their careers are most welcome.

    We look forward to getting to know you and your work … and to years of learning from each other.

    Our very best,

    Carl Nightingale, Coordinator

    for the GUHP Organizing Team:

    Michael Goebel, Joseph Ben Prestel, and Tracy Neumann, editors of the Global Urban History blog

    Emma Hart and Mariana Dantas, organizers of the Global Cities: Past and Present AHRC Research Network

    Nancy Kwak, co-organizer and co-editor, with Andrew Sandoval-Strausz of Making Cities Global: The Transnational Turn in Urban History (Forthcoming: University of Pennsylvania Press).

    Also, special thanks for advice and support from Richard Harris, President of the Urban History Association; Carola Hein, President of the International Planning History Associationand organizer of the "The Global Petroleumscape"Conference and Exhibition; Shane Ewen, member of the International Scientific Committee of the European Association for Urban History; Rebecca Madgin and Nicholas Kenney, organizers and co-editors ofCities Beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History (Routledge: 2016); Ayala Levin of the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborativeand Sara Lopez, her colleague at the Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities; and Jeremy Adelman, director of the Global History Lab at Princeton University.    

  • 10 May 2017 9:11 AM | Anonymous

    The History of Bicycle Transportation and Planning

    Call for Papers for lectern or poster presentation

    Important aspects of the bicycle’s role in the development of modern transportation systems have been documented by historians, planners, and engineers. It’s well understood, for example, how early bicycle technologies, such as ball bearings, chain drives, and differential gears, contributed to the development of automobiles. Similarly, the role of bicyclists in advocating for paved roads in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries —through organizations like the League of American Wheelmen and the National League for Good Roads—has been well studied.

    Many other aspects of the bicycle’s role in transportation planning remain incompletely understood, however. Since the 1990s a renewed attention on planning and designing communities to facilitate bicycling has been effective at increasing the use of active modes of transportation. But the resurgence of bicycle advocacy and action raises questions about the impact of the bicycle on transportation systems between the technology’s infancy in the 1800s and early 1900s and this recent period of activism.

    Deepening our understanding of the history of bicycle planning (and of bicycle activists’ relationships with planners, engineers, public health specialists, and other professionals) can provide important lessons for today’s transportation planning and engineering communities. With the increasing visibility and impact of Complete Streets, Vision Zero, and other safety and multi-modal initiatives, the time is right to study the history of the bicycle’s role in transportation planning in greater depth.

    With this call for papers, the members of TRB’s Transportation History (ABG50) and Bicycle Transportation (ANF20) committees encourage researchers to explore the bicycle’s place in transportation planning and engineering histories. We invite researchers to submit papers addressing any aspect of the transportation history of the bicycle, including (but not limited to) topics such as these:

    • twentieth century changes in infrastructure specifications and standards to accommodate bicycles on roads and streets
    • case studies of the transformation of urban environments to accommodate bicycles
    • bicycle transportation’s role in the creation of new avenues of mobility and autonomy for women
    • initiatives to promote public health through bicycling
    • connections between bicycling and the environmental movement
    • conflicts between motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians in urban environments
    • the impact of the 1990s Critical Mass movement on bicycle advocacy and its effectiveness in shaping urban transportation policy
    • the establishment of bicycle clubs and advocacy groups for people of color
    • comparisons of the North American experience of the bicycle as an urban transportation mode with Asian, European, Latin American, African, and Australian experiences
    • the impact of the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic on planning and engineering for bicycle transportation
    • the impact of the 1970s bicycle boom and oil embargos on bicycle planning and advocacy
    • pre-ISTEA sources of funding and support for bicycle planning efforts
    • the relationship of bicycle racing to recreational and commuter bicycling
    • the history of urban shared bicycle use programs
    These are suggestions only and any topic linking bicycle transportation to historical analysis is welcome.

    For More Information: See TRB’s Paper Author Resource webpage ( and the following three online documents:

    • Writing a Paper for the Transportation Research Record:
    • Submitting a Paper to TRB and What Happens Afterwards:
    • Preparing Papers for Peer Review and Presentation at the TRB Annual Meeting:

    Committees’ Contact Person and Email Address: Bradley Flamm (
  • 25 Apr 2017 10:49 AM | Anonymous

    The Summer School “History Takes Place – Dynamics of Urban Change” will bring together from 4 to 15 September 2017 international young researchers – historians, art historians, archaeologists, cultural and social scientists, city planners and architects. This year’s programme is focused on the complex and multi-layered history of Belgrade and Sarajevo. The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius and the Gerda Henkel Foundation invite the participants to study the connections between historical events and spatial development.

    Since 2003 we have invited up to twenty young historians and social scientists (usually postgraduate students) annually to take part in studies programmes in various locations. The aim is to find the traces of history in the topography, architecture and monuments of the place. The city itself is 'read' as a historical source – 'History Takes Place'. 

    Please find here the link to the call for applications:

    Further information can be found under

    The deadline for applications is 29 May 2017.


  • 22 Apr 2017 9:22 AM | Anonymous

    The Department of History at Columbia University invites applications for a tenured position to fill the Bernard Hirschhorn Professorship of Urban Studies. The department is seeking a distinguished scholar with a focus on the history of cities in the global south. In addition to teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in urban history, the successful candidate will be expected to direct the joint Columbia-Barnard Urban Studies major. The successful candidate should have an effective undergraduate teaching record and administrative experience. Review of applications to begin August 21, 2017 and will continue until the position is filled. 

    To apply please visit: 

    Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer -- Race/Gender/Disability/Veteran.

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